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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Freedom In a Crooked Robe .

Choked up faces
Pure Misery.
Or maybe
Actual Bliss;
When Silver moon screws with my thoughts
It’s a joyful nightmare.   
...............................................                 There was a guy,
                                                              Cheerful and Holding Up bloody ambitions ,
                                                              Those events were nothing remarkable to others

                                                                     But, he found a star.
                                                                  A creature veiled with mysticism 
                                                                  His heart to that soul and back to heart 
                                                                    And a temptation to touch,
                                                                       He was swayed more or less.
                                        She, the star, a creature bounded by boundaries’
                                        Circled by emptiness,
                                        For her freedom was a distant dream, 
                                        A million Year of Desperation. 
                                         On one uneven night
                                         A spark was ignited in her eyes
                                         Whether the two drops were tears
                                         Two teardrops, one formed from either eye.
                                         But it was red,
                                         Helpless, lost her immortality.
                                        Death was knocking, freedom was granted.

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